talking in #auditorium ***
***Topic is 'FIRST WAVE Creator Chris Brancato Sunday
9PM ET ' ***
sets mode: +m
Oops... Chris lost his connection
<Moderator> Chris?
I'm baack.
<ChrisBrancato> We can start
And you can type!
<Moderator> er Jordan Radcliffe joins the cast,
played by actress Traci Lords. Will Season Three be full
of surprises?
<Moderator> Let's ask Chris!
<Moderator> Chris. Three seasons can seem like a
lifetime in television. Does Season Three excite you as
much as Seasons One and Two did?
<Moderator> Can you type?
<ChrisBrancato> Can you SEE me type?
<Moderator> YES!
<ChrisBrancato> First of all, YES.
<ChrisBrancato> Three seasons in television does
seem like a lifetime and the danger is that you get burned
out creatively.
<ChrisBrancato> But with the addition of a new character
and a ramping up of the alien threat we found a whole
bunch of new stories to tell and that made the season
as exciting as the first two.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
<ChrisBrancato> Wait --
<ChrisBrancato> The general concensus is that the
third season is the best so far.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
Chris several people have asked if you want to comment
on the change to Monday night for First Wave?
I hope it works for people.
<ChrisBrancato> We suffered a bit of a ratings decline
being on Sunday night without other original programming
around us. I'm just happy the football season is over.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
<MaryFX> to <Moderator>: Will Joshua come
back in Season 3?
I would venture to guess that an alien as forceful as
Joshua would probably want to make his presence felt in
Season 3. But watch and find out.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
Ryan-Sun> to <Moderator>: Mr. Brancato, thanks
for being here tonight. My question is: Is any of the
characters in the series based on some person or persons
you know ?
Thank all of YOU for being here tonight!
<ChrisBrancato> I would say that the characterisitcs
of Foster, Eddie, and the other characters are representative
of certain people I know but they're not modeled after
any one person specifically.
<ChrisBrancato> Sebastian Spence likes Cade Foster
after myself but nothing could be further from the truth.
<ChrisBrancato> I can't even figure out how to use
my VCR.
<ChrisBrancato> ga. <Moderator> Chris, I know
you answered this in other chats, but many people would
like you to explain how Cade is "Twice Blessed"? <ChrisBrancato>
All I can say about that is that the mystery of the twice-blessed
man will be fully answered in Season 3.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
Chris, I've read in several interviews that the characters
are written a little around the actor's lives that portray
them. Could you talk a little about that?
I've become so familiar with these actors on a personal
basis that I sometimes try to take advantage of what I
know about their real lives. For example,
<ChrisBrancato> many viewers commented on Cade Foster's
crappy attitude at the beginning of Season 2. .. and that
sort of mirrored the exhaustion that Sebastian and I felt
atthat particular time.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
redvenus> to <Moderator>: What about all those
loose ends from season one and two, will they be ties
up in season three? I am talking about all the believers
Cade left behind.
It always irritates me when science fiction shows leave
dozens of unanswered "mysteries."
<ChrisBrancato> We've worked very hard to tie up
all loose ends of Seasons 1 & 2 as we move through Season
<ChrisBrancato> I can't promise we've got them all,
but I think we're pretty close.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
<TwoFosters> to <Moderator>: Season 2 ends
with a cliffhanger where Cade is shot by Eddie. Is this
because Sebastian was going to replace to another actor
as a rumor was going around?
Despite some confusion on this issue, Sebastian was never
going to be replaced. We had to recast the role when Sebastian
hurt his back for insurance reasons even though we knew
he was going to recover and come back to us.
<ChrisBrancato> Cade Foster's death at the end of
Season 2 was a creative choice that had nothing to do
with Sebastian's back injury. <ChrisBrancato> I
hope you liked it.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
<TwoFosters> to <Moderator>: Are you working
on other projects apart from FW?
Yes. I am currently writing a movie for the director Ron
Howard about a kidnapping in Chechnya.
<ChrisBrancato> It's about as far away from aliens
as you could possibly imagine.
<ChrisBrancato> But my heart always belongs to First
<ChrisBrancato> ga
Chris virtually everybody in the room is asking about
the possibility of a Season Four? Any news?
I've been told that the SCI FI Channel will make a decision
about a fourth season after the first four to six episodes.
<ChrisBrancato> If they would like to proceed, we
still have to get the blessing of our foreign financiers.
<ChrisBrancato> Right now it's too early to say
whether we'll continue. <ChrisBrancato> But I certainly
hope so.
<ChrisBrancato> If you care to, you should send
letters to my friend Bonnie Hammer at the SCI FI Channel
and also to Matt Lozd at Pearson Television in Santa Monica
<ChrisBrancato> Er -- that's Matt LOZE.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
to <Moderator>: Gua experiments have always been
a big part of First Wave. In the third season, do you
plan to put the results of any of these experiments into
Good question!
<ChrisBrancato> Yes...
<ChrisBrancato> In the sense that the experiements
in Season 3 will be based upon the actual approach of
the Second Wave.
<ChrisBrancato> In other words, what the aliens
have learned about humanity has encouraged them to ramp
up experiements and missions based upon an imminent invasion.
<ChrisBrancato> The aliens have figured out what
they came here to discover -- that human beings are weak
and defeatable. Now it's time to kick some human butt.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
<redven> to <Moderator>: Are you planning
on coming to a First Wave convention (WaveCon) if there
is one in July in Toronto?
I haven't heard any specific information about a First
Wave convention just yet. But I can assure you that going
to a First Wave convention would be really great. If there
is one, you can bet I'll be there.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
<FWHQ-Morn64> to <Moderator>: The episode
"Unearthed" will feature a unique gua weapon called "Thor's
Hammer". Was the choice of this name partly a play on
words with "Bonnie Hammer"?
ChrisBrancato laughs
No, but now that you mention it I will be sure to mention
it to Bonnie.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
<flcam> to <Moderator>: Mr Brancato - will
the aliens that first attacked the gua get invloved in
the attack on the earth?
All things are possible. In this great wide galaxy, who
is to say that the gua and the humans are the only sentient
life forms?
<ChrisBrancato> ga
Chris: Several people have asked about a possible return
of Colonel Grace in Season 3?
I'm not sure if we will see Colonel Grace in Season 3
but you can bet on the fact that she's always watching.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
Dave> to <Moderator>: Mr brancato..when you first
wrote this..did you read up on the nostradums..literature
<ChrisBrancato> I read not only biographical information
about Nostradamus but also many of his prophecies. I love
the idea that a guy who has been dead for almost 500 years
would be a factor in Cade Foster's journey.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
<MaryFX> to <Moderator>: Chris, will Eddie
ever get the girl?
ChrisBrancato laughs
<ChrisBrancato> As we all know, Eddie isn't quite
as suave as Cade Foster.
<ChrisBrancato> But if you remember in Season 2,
he did have a nice moment or two with his highschool girlfriend,
<ChrisBrancato> I always root for the underdog so
maybe Eddie will achieve some sort of long-lasting female
<ChrisBrancato> On the other hand, things are already
pretty crowded in that old Airstream trailer!
<ChrisBrancato> ga
<FWNewsletter-drkangel> to <Moderator>: Some
of us noticed you were a subject yourself in Cade's experiment.
Your picture was on that wall. What was your Subject number?
That's a good question.
<ChrisBrancato> I think I was subject 115 or 116
-- but I can't quite remember. Who knows? Maybe the aliens
got to my head.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
<TwoFosters> to <Moderator>: Foster is more
aggressive and bitter Season 3. Can you describe what
is the biggest defference in Foster&s character between
last two seasons and SDeason 3?
Wouldn't you be a little testy if you couldn't get those
pesky aliens off the planet in 44 episodes?
<ChrisBrancato> And while Cade is at times venting
his frustration, there will be also times when we see
a kinder, gentler Cade Foster in Season 3.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
Chris, a number of people are asking if First Wave seasons
one and two will be available on DVD any time soon?
I don't know, but I will ask the SCI FI Channel people
if they have any intention of releasing the show on DVD.
I'd sure like to see that.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
<Coop> to <Moderator>: We all loved the special
FirstWave Jigsaw and it has SO much FW info what did you
think of it?
I thought it was brilliant and it made me feel very gratified
that we have fans who care about the show.
<ChrisBrancato> Barbara Widrow was the driving force
behind the creation of that magazine nd she has been a
one-woman army in terms of getting First Wave some excellent
coverage in the SCI FI press.
<ChrisBrancato> I don't think I can stress enough
how people like Barbara and a number of others helped
to motivate me nad the other writers through their interest,
comments, and criticism of the show.
<ChrisBrancato> It's what makes the whole thing
<ChrisBrancato> ga
<Je§i> to <Moderator>: Since you, Good Sir,
are the God of all things FW(other than Sebastian of course),
what does the Gua homeworld look and feel like? If not
realistically, in your own mind's eye then? And will we
ever see it on TV?
ChrisBrancato laughs
<ChrisBrancato> We have certain budgetary constraints
that make it difficult to create a full visualization
of the Gua world, but it is an area that will definitely
be covered in Season 3.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
BLUE> to <Moderator>: Besides the U.S. where
else can First Wave be seen? Also how popular is it in
these other countries?
At last count, First Wave is broadcast in 57 countries
including the U.K., Germany, all European countries, and
even little Romania.
<ChrisBrancato> I'm not sure of exact ratings figures,
but Pearson tells me we do quite well... especially in
<ChrisBrancato> ga
<ChrisBrancato>Wait --
<ChrisBrancato> maybe that's because they only have
on TV channel.
* ChrisBrancato laughs
<Coop> to <Moderator>: I heard Wednesday's
Child was a great episode. How did yout mother get involved
and how was it decided to have a scene about Rob LaBelle
car experienceWhich I heard was great!.
Let's see...
<ChrisBrancato> My mom, who is a writer herself,
always encouraged me to write for television and film.
I figured that after all the hell I put her through, the
least I could do was give her a script.
<ChrisBrancato> She did a great job.
<ChrisBrancato> In my discussions with her, I mentioned
that Rob La Belle crashed his Cadillac on the very first
day of shooting.
<ChrisBrancato> We decided to incorporate the idea
of Eddie being a terrible driver into the show itself.
<ChrisBrancato> As they say, life imitates art.
<ChrisBrancato> ga
<BinaryBandit> to <Moderator>: will Trent
be making a reappearance on Earth? or will we see (or
hear) about him aiding the HUman Cause on the Gua Homeworld?
That remains to be seen, BinaryBandit.
<ChrisBrancato> But we will deal with it in Season
<ChrisBrancato> ga
Chris, many people are asking if Season Three ends with
some sort of "closure?" Or whether there is another cliffhanger
I don't want to get too specific about how the season
will be resolved, but I always hate sci fi shows that
end their entire run on a cliffhanger in the hopes that
they will get renewed.
<ChrisBrancato> Since we do not know the fate of
the show after Season 3, we've taken steps to make sure
that we will end Season 3 in a dramatic and satisfying
0manner whether we go forward or not. 'nuff said??
<ChrisBrancato> ga
<FWNewsletter-Nei> to <Moderator>: Chris,
FW comics are available online now. Have you read any
of the comics? Any chance of FW action figures?
ChrisBrancato laughs
<ChrisBrancato> I haven't read any online comics
but would love it if you'd post where I can see them on
the SCI FI bulletin board.
<ChrisBrancato> I also understand that an actual
First Wave comic book will be in stores somewhere around
January 20.
<ChrisBrancato> As for action figures, I can only
<ChrisBrancato> ga
Chris, our hour is about over. As always, you've been
a great guest. We're all hoping for a wildly successful
Season Three! I wonder, as a writer and producer what
have you personally learned over the three seasons of
First Wave that you'll carry into future projects?
Very good question.
<ChrisBrancato> I've learned a lot about the rigors
of trying to tell good stories, week after week.
<ChrisBrancato> I've learned about how to produce
a show on a shoe-string while trying to take advantage
of the actors' strengths.
<ChrisBrancato> And I've also learned how valuable
the Internet is in kjeeping a show runner in touch with
the very important core audience who care about the show.
<ChrisBrancato> As I stated before, the influence
that this core group has had on creative decisions has
been storng and for me, one of the most exciting things
about the experience.
<ChrisBrancato> Thanks again to everyone and let's
keep our fingers crossed that we can keep this baby running
for a few more years.
Chris, our time is up! Thanks for interrupting your Sunday
evening to join us. Have a great evening. Thanks too to
a very enthusiastic audience for you many questions. We'll
reopen the floor now. Good night
*** Moderator sets mode: -m