talking in #auditorium
Topic is 'FIRST WAVE actress Traci Lords 9PM ET'
Moderator sets mode: +m ***
<Moderator> Just waiting for the call...then we
begin <Moderator> Just waiting for the call...then
we begin
<Moderator> Still waiting
<Moderator> Shouldn't be long, I spoke with her
15 minutes ago
<Moderator> Still waiting, but hey, it give me
a chance to deal with the leaks in the kitchen ceiling
<Moderator> You guys don't think I'm serious
<Moderator> Alas
<Moderator> I am
<Moderator> Okay, now she's fashionably five minutes
late <TraciLords> We are here
<Moderator> Hi everyone, thanks for joining us
here. I'm Ben Trumble for SCIFI. Tonight we are pleased
to welcome the very talented actress Traci Elizabeth
Lords, co-star of Chris Brancato's FIRST WAVE, now in
its third season on SCIFI. Traci's character Jordan
Radcliffe is no friend to the Gua, but neither is she
necessarily a friend to FIRST WAVE hero Cade Foster
<Moderator> Traci's film and television credits
in recent years -- including appearances on hit shows
like Profiler -- are too numerous to list,.and her genre
work on projects like Tommyknockers, and Not Of This
Earth have made her a favorite of sf, and horror fans..
<Moderator> Finally, please bear with us. To insure
a secure connection to our server I am both moderating
this chat and typing for Traci. (She's on the phone.)
We'll try to answer as many of your questions as we
<Moderator> <Sebastians-Goddess> to <Moderator>:
Traci, I have a big crush on Sebastian Spence, could
you tell me what it's like working with him?
<Moderator> Sebastian is
a very down to earth, gentle, charming person
<Moderator> He's a joy
<Moderator> So supportive
<Moderator> It's easy working with him
<darkness5000> to <Moderator>: People have
said that the renewal of First Wave as a series may
depend soley on Traci's performance this season. Does
she keep this in mind when filming?
No. I don't think about it
<TraciLords> The deal for First Wave is up at
<TraciLords> Whether it comes back or not has
little to do with me
<TraciLords> Certainly I was added for ratings
<TraciLords> But it's up
to the fans <TraciLords> If people love First
WAve, watch the show
<TraciLords> Then SCIFI will renew whether I'm
here or not
<Moderator> <Sebastians-Goddess> to <Moderator>:
Traci, I heard you were a scifi fan. Do you have a favorite
science fiction movie?
<TraciLords> Hmmm
<TraciLords> I'm a huge fan of the original Alien
<TraciLords> It's so scary
<TraciLords> Pretty much anything that is based
on Stephen King interests me too
<Moderator> <MaryFX> to <Moderator>:
Traci, how did you find working in Vancouver?
<TraciLords> I absolutely loved it
<TraciLords> We have a great cast and crew, but
the city of Vancouver is so stunning. Such a great place
to find yourself
<Moderator> <Sebastians-Goddess> to <Moderator>:
Traci, do you have a favorite episode of First Wave
that you have done?
<TraciLords> I think one of my favorites is an
episode called Wednesday's Child
<TraciLords> I think it's on in a couple weeks
<TraciLords> Also, I love the finale
<TraciLords> That should have everybody excited
<Moderator> Chewie> to <Moderator>: Traci,
Jordan is tough as nails. How much do you identify with
her personality?
<TraciLords> I completely
identify with Jordan
<TraciLords> I undertand her pain and anger
<TraciLords> But I think what will surprise people
is that Jordan has many sides that you'll see in the
weeks to come
<TraciLords> She starts out as jaded and angry,
but you'll see her laugh, and crying in the weeks to
<TraciLords> She's just not a pushover
<Moderator> <itetcboo> to <Moderator>:
Do you think we will see a special relatioinship between
Jordan and Cade form in this season?
<TraciLords> Absolutely
<TraciLords> Right for the start the writers built
in an underlying chemistry between Jordan and Cade
<TraciLords> I think they both have feelings for
each other
<TraciLords> It starts to play with their heads
as the season goes on
<TraciLords> Cade and Jordan do ultimately come
<TraciLords> But it may be for the wrong reasons
<TraciLords> And it may be lethal
<TraciLords> It's a devastating experience
<TraciLords> Jordan and Cade could be the end
of the world
<Moderator> <Sebastians-Goddess> to <Moderator>:
Traci, How do you feel about the fans of First Wave?
<TraciLords> The fans of
First WAve have been wonderful to me
<TraciLords> When I joined the cast last winter
fans started treating me very nice
<TraciLords> They sent me a huge email greeting
card on my birthday in May
<TraciLords> It was so nice.
<Moderator> <JerleShannara> to <Moderator>:
Ms Lords, Cade and Eddie have had a special relationship
for the last two years. Will your appearance be changing
<TraciLords> No
<TraciLords> Absolutely not
<TraciLords> Chris really likes the relationship
between Cade and Eddie
<TraciLords> I think Eddie actually has more screen
time this season
<TraciLords> The three of them become a team
<TraciLords> They talk about Jordan a lot when
they're alone
<TraciLords> She doesn't come between them at
<TraciLords> I'm very curious about conventions
and the fans of the show
<Moderator> <FWHQ-Robzilla> to <Moderator>:
Traci, would you be interested in attending WaveCon,
a First Wave mini-con in Toronto this summer?
<TraciLords> I will absolutely
consider visiting conventions
<Moderator> drgorman> to <Moderator>:
Traci, when you were asked for the role in First Wave,
were did you have to change anything on your body (ex.
<TraciLords> No, when I
auditioned I didn't change anything
<TraciLords> But I'd been a redhead for awhile
<TraciLords> I noticed that Chris using the hair
color in inside joke
<TraciLords> I don't think there was a "type"
for Jordan
<TraciLords> More of a sensibility
<red2venus> to <Moderator>: Do you ever
surf the net and look at all the page about First Wave
and you, or do read the bulletin boards?
<TraciLords> I haven't read
the boards in a while
<TraciLords> I know that the fans are very curious
<TraciLords> I never figure outw where some of
the material comes form
<TraciLords> The fans have been very flattering
I think
<TraciLords> and where do they get all those stills
from the show?
<MaryFX> to <Moderator>: Traci, what initially
interested you in applying for this role?
Chri's words
<TraciLords> The pages themselves
<TraciLords> I didn't know anything about the
<TraciLords> But Jordan had so many levels and
<TraciLords> The words that Chris wrote blew my
mind and I wanted to be the woman on the page
<SubZer0> to <Moderator>: Traci I noticed
you've landed a part in Blade 2, will your part in this
one be larger?
First of all, it's not true
<TraciLords> Yes, I was asked to do Blade 2
<TraciLords> And the part was larger
<TraciLords> But for a lot of reasons it wasn't
something that I wanted to do
<TraciLords> I would have basically been playing
my twin sister
<TraciLords> But I want to record a record this
year instead
<Sebastians-Goddess> to <Moderator>: I heard
you were doing a movie with Jet Li. Do you get to do
any butt-kicking in that movie, like you get to do in
First Wave?
Well, it's true that I did a sequel to Black MAsk, called
Black MAsk 2... But Jet Li isn't in the movie
<TraciLords> There is a lot of action in it, and
I think it'll be a great little movie
<lycant> to <Moderator>: traci was that
you who sang on the manic street preachers first album,
and what direction will your new record be
I did record a song called Little Baby Nothing with
the Street Preachers
<TraciLords> It was before my first record
<TraciLords> I feel really inmterested in stripped
down instuments in my new record
<TraciLords> Ltrics and stripped down beats
<TraciLords> Almost an acoustic-techno sound
<TraciLords> And I'm not sure how I'll do it yet
<TraciLords> I know they'll think I'm crazy for
<MaryFX> to <Moderator>: Traci, you seem
to be very busy going back and forth between television
and movie commitments. Is your schedule always hectic
or sporatically so depending on your projects?
My schedule is always kind of crazy
<TraciLords> I have a lot of energy and I love
my work
<TraciLords> I consider myself REALLY lucky
<TraciLords> 95% of the time I'm happy doing what
I do 24/7
<Sebastians-Goddess> to <Moderator>: Traci,
Do you have any advice for young teens or maybe anyone
who wants to take up acting as a career?
I think that anyone who wants to get into acting had
better absolutely 100% want it
<TraciLords> It's a brutal business
<TraciLords> It's so much easier to do almost
anything else
<TraciLords> Not to be negative
<TraciLords> And that's especially true if your
<TraciLords> Have a backup plan
<TraciLords> Don't go to LA looking for the golden
dream, it doesn't exist
<drgorman> to <Moderator>: Traci, was it
hard to find any work after they cancelled Profiler?
I was already off the show, so I was doing other things
by then
<TraciLords> I think they did one more season
after I left
<TraciLords> I thought it was a very good show,
but I was off on other missions
<hld3> to <Moderator>: I loved Crybaby,
do you have any other plans to work with John Waters?
I would work with John Waters on just about anything
<TraciLords> He has so inspired me
<TraciLords> He started in an alley with an 8mm
<TraciLords> He didn't say this is what I wantt
o do..
<TraciLords> He did it
<TraciLords> He's a genius
<TraciLords> You can do anything if you are will
to risk everything
<TraciLords> I started with Roger Corman by the
way, another great indy producer director
<Bruiser> to <Moderator>: do you have any
plans or interests in being in a sci-fi movie?
I'd love to be in a big budget scifi movie
<TraciLords> So many people get to see it
<TraciLords> Any actor loves to be seen
<TraciLords> At the same time it would have to
be an interesting project <TraciLords> Small,
interesting projects keep me excited
<Sebastians-Goddess> to <Moderator>: Traci,
I heard you like to write, do you think you would ever
write an episode of First Wave?
I would absolutely love to write an episode for First
Wave or another show that I appear in
<TraciLords> Just don't know if I have the chops
<TraciLords> It keeps me humble
<drgorman> to <Moderator>: Traci, I have
seen you work with Bruce Campbell a few times. What
was it like working with him?
I love him
<TraciLords> I met him maybe eight years ago when
I auditioned for Army of Darkness
<TraciLords> I didn't get the part
<TraciLords> but I clicked with Bruce
<TraciLords> On Hercules he and I has such a great
time <TraciLords> And I'd love to work with him
<TraciLords> I think that people don't realize
how talented Bruce is as a writer too, by the way
<TraciLords> I would have to say, seriously, that
playing Jordan has been my favorire role to date
<TraciLords> It's been such a learning experience
<TraciLords> The way that Jordan and Cade infiltrate
organizations, I've played a dozen roles inside of Jordan
<TraciLords> It's so cool
<TraciLords> There's even comedy with in the role
<TraciLords> And so I think that Jordan by far
is my favorite
<TraciLords> We stopped shooting five weeks ago,
and I miss her!
<MaryFX> to <Moderator>: Traci, do you find
the collaboration between actors and writers on First
Wave different than from other acting experiences you've
First Wave was the first time that I felt that the actors
had real input with the writers
<TraciLords> That never happens on a network show
<TraciLords> Normally the writers say, Thiis is
oyur show
<TraciLords> Do your job
<TraciLords> But on First Wave the actors really
love their characters and the writers know that and
appreciate it
<Sebastians-Goddess> to <Moderator>: Traci,
have you ever thought about directing or producting?
Yes and yes
<TraciLords> Particularly producing
<TraciLords> I'm a bit of a control freak
<TraciLords> I love the control of seeing a project
all the way through
<TraciLords> The hardest thing for me being an
actress is surrendering that
<TraciLords> That's why I produced Extramartial
<TraciLords> And I'd love to do more of that
<Quinn> to <Moderator>: Tracie, did you
think you made an impact on any of the callers on LoveLine
when you were a guest?
I think it's a very good show
<TraciLords> Dr Drew is a smart man
<TraciLords> But the kids horrified me
<TraciLords> They're so young
<TraciLords> And they have such explocit sexual
<TraciLords> I can't imagine being 13 and pregnant
<TraciLords> That's heavy stuff to give advice
<TraciLords> One of the things that really interests
me is working with kids
<TraciLords> If I'd had better guidance as a kid
I could have used it
<TraciLords> When your 13 you don't always want
to listen
<TraciLords> I hope I made an impact...
<Bruiser> to <Moderator>: Do you have any
upcoming movies that we should be aware of?
City of Masks Black MAsk 2
<TraciLords> And Chump Change, which just showed
at Sundance
<TraciLords> It's a sweet little comedy
<TraciLords> The critcis compare it to a Johnm
Waters film, though I don't see that
<TraciLords> And the character, SAm is so different
from Jordan
<Laura> to <Moderator>: do you think that
Jordan is truly good or just fighting back bc of what
happened to family....?
<Moderator> This will be our final question
A lot of people have commented that Jordan is brutal
<TraciLords> The beauty for me is that as angry
and hostile as Jordan is, she's also so innocent, lovely,
sweet, and wounded
<TraciLords> I wantt o thank you all for coming
<TraciLords> And check out the website on SCIFI
<TraciLords> And I'll have my own site up in a
few months
<TraciLords> Good night